Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Creative lies

There comes a time in all children’s lives where they start to learn that a white lie may save them from trouble. As children, they take action without thinking of consequences. Well, my story is a story of how a dozen eggs cost me five dollars. My son was nine and we had a store about three blocks from the house. I was going to bake a cake but did not have enough eggs so I sent him to the store. I knew that things at the convience store cost more than the grocery store but I figured a five-dollar check would work. I sent him on his way and told him to bring the change back. When he finally returned I asked for the change. He stated that there was no change. I told him to go back and get the receipt that they would probably still have it. There he went off on his bike to retrieve that receipt. Now moms can smell when something is fishy. It is our mom sense kicking in. I watched for him when he pulled back up in the yard. He took a couple of minutes to get something out of his pocket and place it by the AC unit. I walked out, met him on the porch, and asked to see the receipt. He responded to me by saying, “I asked for the receipt but Casey’s (the name of the store) doesn’t give receipts for checks.” I imagine it took him the whole trip to come up with that one. I checked his pockets and would you believe it I found a receipt. On that receipt, eggs were purchased along with some ball cards, which just happened to be waiting, by my AC unit.

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